Get three months of free tickets when you join
your friends in Doing MORE.

Sign Up


Build your profile
Based on the music, artists, and venues you love, we find the best events for you.
Pick your first free tickets
Head to your first show this week. Can't make it? We'll do our best to find you another pair ASAP.
Get tickets to events every month
We'll hook you up with an event every month. You can always gift or release the tickets.
DoMORE Pick Tickets

Join 60,000 people who love to do MORE

You have a customer for life – can't believe you gave me tickets to 3 days of the festival...thank you!!!
-Shayne M
You had me at tickets every month. How could you not join DoMORE?!
- Wendi E
Literally all I had to do was check my email to find free concert tickets to artists I’ve actually been DYING to see!
- Picha W
Just wanted to thank you again very much for these tickets. They're one of my favorite all time bands.
- Ray B
Super psyched to see these guys at Red Rocks!
- Jon O
You all are amazing! Thank you for the positive impact these experiences bring to people.
- Mika R

You Know You Want to Do More

At $5 a month, you can't lose. If it sucks, you can always cancel. But it's not gonna, because we know what we're doing.



DoStuff (Do312, DoNYC, DoLA and 17 others) created the DoMORE Membership after 11 years of helping 100s of millions of people find the best stuff to do with their nights and weekends.

Our audience kept telling us they wanted to go out more often. And that they wanted to discover new places, bands and events.

Our event partners kept telling us they wanted more people to see the awesome stuff they were doing.

It took us a long time to get it right, but we did it. And you're going to f*cking love it.

Right now you can get tickets for free. So why not?

$5 / month afterwards. Cancel literally whenever.

Is this too good to be true?

Nope. We've worked with our ticket partners (major promoters, venue owners and performing artists) for over 11 years. They lean on us to help create buzz and drive fans to attend their events across the country.

What kind of tickets are included?

Think concerts, museums, sports, arts+culture, festivals - everything that is fun, cool, and uniquely local. We use profiles to handpick experiences for each person.

How do you match people to tickets?

When a DoMORE member signs up, we ask them what types of experiences they're interested in. We'll also ask about favorite artists, genres, and more.

When are tickets sent out?

We send out tickets when we match a person with a show or event. We'll always give at least 48 hours and we aim to give at least a week.

How do people know they've got a ticket hookup?

2 tickets are sent via email. At the venue, when a member shows a valid photo ID their name will be on the guest list!

What if the event isn't a match, or there is a scheduling conflict?

One of the coolest parts of DoMORE is that tickets are giftable.

Are you ready to sign up for a free trial? Click here.
Other inquiries? Let us know here.